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Scottish Terrier Breeders: Understanding the Qualifications of Decent and Responsible Sellers

Now that dogs have really become a status symbol and perhaps a necessity, more and more people are getting into the breeding business. The problem is, some of these so-called breeders do not have expertise at what they do, especially for breeds like the Scottish terrier.

As a responsible dog owner, you need to be able to find a Scottish terrier breeder who knows his stuff, someone who cares for the dog and breed’s welfare.

Below we will discuss the things that you need to know to identify good Scottish terrier breeders so you do not buy puppies from those who do not exactly fit the right characteristics of a good dog breeder.

If you are seeking out a breeder, you should never feel uncomfortable asking questions.

In fact, you need to interview the breeder to find out essential things that will help you make wise decisions. Your first main concern is to find out where the puppies are placed and weaned.

A decent Scottish terrier breeder will not hesitate to show you where the puppies are. The den should be spotless clean and should show signs of regular maintenance. You will immediately find out if the breeder only cleans it when there is a visitor around.

You can observe the activities of the helpers and make assumptions as well.

Good Scottish terrier breeders should also persuade you to spay or neuter the dog or puppy that you are going to buy to ensure that you will not breed puppies that you cannot take care of. This also preserves the breed’s integrity.

Next, ask about the puppies’ condition such as worming and vitamins or food taken. Scottish terrier breeders who are serious about the business should be able to tell you that the dogs have been vaccinated and dewormed.

They should be able to tell you the regularity of vaccination, the types of vaccination, and who the veterinarian is. At the very least, the breeder should have taken care of vaccination against polio, hepatitis, influenza, and other common diseases.

The next and one of the most important characteristics of good Scottish terrier breeders is their interest in your purpose for getting a puppy. They should ask you if you need a puppy for show or only as a pet.

They need to know if you have interests in breeding the puppies, too. Considering that they are experts, they should be able to explain the characteristics of the Scottish terrier breed that they sell.

They should ask what kind of temperament you are looking for and what environment the puppy will be in.

Lastly, depending on the Scottish terrier breed you want, the breeder should offer you a health agreement. The breeder should not be selling you dogs that are less than 10 or 14 weeks old.

Dogs should be weaned and should only be separated from the mom and siblings when they are ready. Good Scottish terrier breeders should be there for you should the puppies get into health troubles.

This means that the breeder should be there for you even if the puppy is already five years old, especially at times when the dogs are displaying behaviors that not even your vet can explain.

The dog’s behavior may have something to do with the breed or bad genes that the breeder needs to fix.

There are many more things to look for in a breeder but these are the most essential. If your current breeder meets these qualifications, you made the right decision and you can go ahead and purchase the puppy.

If the breeder misses most of these things, pack up and run away. You are likely to get into more problems.

For more information and everything you need to know Pekingese breeders, check out the highly recommended Pekingese eBook and audio package today!