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Scottish Terrier Training: First Things First

Now that you have taken home your Scottish terrier, the next step is training it and making sure it abides with your home’s standards. Training is something that many dog owners forsake.

You will be amazed that there are many dog owners who do not train their Scottish dogs and as a result, the dogs destroy many things and poop everywhere.

You do not want this to happen to you so read ahead and learn from our basic Scottish terrier training guide.

Potty Training

The excitement of having Scottish dogs eventually fades away when the dogs start pooping everywhere in the house. As a responsible dog owner, you owe it to your whole family to potty train your dog.

Part of the standard Scottish terrier training is letting the dog know the right place to do its business. Potty training does not only make your house clean but also lets you gain control over the dog’s behavior.

The number one rule is not to punish the dog. The Scottish terrier temperament is gentle but will be aggravated if you punish the dog wrongly. Most likely, it is your fault for not taking the dog outside to do its business.

Keep a notebook and list down the time the puppy or dog soiled in the house. This will give you an idea of what the best time it is to take the dog outside. Every puppy or dog wants to make its master happy.

It is now your responsibility to help the dog do this. The Scottish terrier temperament varies from age to age. This means that if you got an older dog that is not potty trained, you will need to exercise more patience in training it.

Crate Training

A simultaneous Scottish terrier training activity with potty training is crate training. It is essential that you housebreak your puppy to prevent future problems.

Crate training encourages a dog to stay on one place where it is clean and comfortable. It gives the dog a sense of ownership of a spot in the house and lets it know that this is not a place where it should soil.

To start, buy an appropriately sized crate. The crate should be large enough for your dog to stand and stretch. Remember, this is a place where the dog needs to be comfortable.

You can add cloth or dog blankets if you wish. Next, place a treat inside the crate and when the dog gets in, praise it heartily. Do not close the door. Do these several times over a period of several days.

Always praise the puppy when it gets in the crate, but not when it gets out. Whenever the puppy gets in the crate, say a word like “get in” and then praise it.

This way, the dog will associate the word with the crate. You may close the door for a few seconds when the dog is eating its treat then open it when it wants to go out.

Keep in mind that what you want your dog to understand is that getting in is a good thing but going out is a neutral thing.

Once you have completed the potty and crate training, you should be able to let out a sigh of relief. You can expect your dog not to soil everywhere and you can also expect your dog to get in the crate if you tell it to.

Always remember that these training sessions will not be completed overnight, several times, your dog will not do your bidding to such an extent that you get exasperated.

This is why you will need a lot of patience and dedication if you want to succeed in the Scottish terrier training guide we just provided.

For more information about the Pekingese training, check out the highly recommended Pekingese eBook and audio package today!