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Scottish Terrier: Getting to Know What the Dog Breed is Like

General Appearance and Description

The Scottish terrier is a small lovable dog. Although it is smaller than most breeds, it has a sturdy build and it has the energy of a bull when it comes to playfulness. The head is long if measured against its torso’s proportion.

It has almond-shaped eyes with a medium-built skull. The ears sit straight on its head and its muzzle is noticeably longer than other dogs. Its tail is straight and has short hair and is thicker at the base.

It has a short coat. What makes the dog distinct is its overgrown hair on its muzzle that looks like a mustache or a beard.

Basic Temperament

One thing about Scottish terriers that you may find amusing is their temperament. They are known to be lovable but they are also destroyers. They love digging and biting or nipping things.

The Scottish terrier breed is a very brave breed but it is not really great as a guard dog.

However, the Scottish terrier will be a good watchdog. These dogs are friendly and very playful and very likely to be stubborn so they need a firm leadership from the owner or master. They need to be trained as early as possible or they will dominate the household.

Care Required

This breed requires minimum grooming because it has a short coat and does not shed. However, you need to ensure that you groom your dog at least twice a week to ensure that he does not consistently lick and swallow his own hair.

All you have to do is to brush its coat and remove dead or loose hair. You just need to have it professionally trimmed and groomed about twice a year. You also need to shampoo it only when it gets really dirty from playing.

Exercise Requirements

Since the Scottish terrier is a very active dog, you need to take it out for a walk everyday. This will help you build your leadership over the dog and will also help consume its energy and redirect its focus to walking from destroying things.

You can play fetch with balls or Frisbees for about 30 minutes daily and the dog should be alright. Once it is exhausted, it wouldn’t think of digging.

If you cannot commit to have its exercise requirements fulfilled, you should at least buy toys for the dog that it can chew.


Another important thing about Scottish terriers is the training. You need to housebreak and potty train this breed as early as the puppy stage or it will create a mess.

Since this dog has a strong character, it will dominate the house if not corrected early and may urinate everywhere. When training the dog, you need to sound firm and stay firm.

This dog will know if you do not mean what you say and will abuse your weakness.

Height and Weight

The Scottish terrier breed can grow up to 11 inches and weigh as much as 23 pounds or 10 kilograms.

Health and Longevity

A Scottish terrier can live up to 15 years. The minimum life expectancy is 12 years if you keep your end of the bargain, meaning caring for your dog. It can contact diseases such as polio and influenza if you do not have it vaccinated.


This breed is not suitable for you if you do not have the time to train it or even walk it daily. If you do not have the time to correct its behavior and show your dominance, the dog will ruin your house and backyard.

This dog does not need much space because it is moderately active but is not good around children if not trained. If you will put this dog in a house with kids, the children should be able to show dominance over it.

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