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Scottish Terrier Grooming Tips: a Concise Guide to Tidy Up Your Dog

Lucky for you, the Scottish terrier is one of those dog breeds that are easiest to groom. One good thing about Scottish terriers is that they do not really shed a lot so Scottish terrier grooming should be fairly easy as far as the coat is concerned.

This breed’s coat normally grows only to two inches long. It is coarse but it has a dense undercoat. Below we will show you several tips on how to have the grooming flawlessly accomplished.

Before getting started with the Scottish terrier grooming tips, here are the things you will need:

If your dog is still a pup, it should be a bonus for you because you need to establish a grooming habit and relationship with the dog as early as possible.

  • Stripping knife
  • A pair of straight scissors
  • Grooming powder
  • A clipper with eight and a half inches blade
  • Slicker brush
  • Nail trimmers
To be able to have a successful Scottish terrier grooming job, you need to brush the coat first. Remove any tangles and hair mattes.

Add or apply grooming powder as necessary because this will help aid in the next steps of grooming your Scottish terrier dog.

Plucking the Coat

The best way to do this is through hand plucking. Start pulling the loose hair, including the dead ones, in the direction where the hair grows. With the other hand, hold the skin so the hair will easily let go.

This allows you to lift the hair without turning it and making it curly. If the skin is pulled taut, it will be easier to spot the hair you need to remove. Do this as you progress along the body, consistently applying grooming powder.

Start from the neck down to the tail and then move to the sides. Gradually, move to the ribs and the legs.

Bathing the Dog You should only bathe your Scottish terrier dog once you are done with brushing and plucking its coat. Hair mattes are likely to form if you bathe the dog without brushing it first.

Use anti-tearing shampoos when bathing the dog to ensure its cooperation. One noticeable thing about Scottish terriers is that shampoos that sting the eyes make the dog uncomfortable and it may not cooperate with the grooming process.

Pay special attention to the sides and the legs because these are the parts of the body that usually accumulate dirt. Dry the excess water with a towel and use a hair dryer while simultaneously brushing the coat.

The Finishing Touch

The next topic in our Scottish terrier grooming tips is cleaning the ears and the sides. Once the dog is dry, work on plucking the dead and matted hair on the dog’s elbows, ears, and head.

Our goal here is to achieve the correct look for your Scottish terrier. Work on the neck and the throat with your clipper, removing excess or overgrown hair. Split the hair over the eyes and comb the brows forward.

Cut the hair that covers the eyes. Make sure that the thick hair is on the inside corner of the eyes and the thin hair is on the outside corner. Clip the nails and trim the hair on the feet.

For further information on Pekingese grooming, we suggest you check out the highly recommended Pekingese eBook and audio package today!